IPC - Association Connecting Electronics Industries and Soldertec Global
- a division of Tin Technology, are sponsoring the 4th International
Electronics Conference and Exhibition from 25-27 April 2006 in Malmo,
Sweden. This conference will provide the most up-to-date information on
the EU RoHS Directive (Restriction of Hazardous Substances in Electrical
and Electronic Equipment) to help prepare your company for the 1 July
2006 deadline.
In addition attendees will have an opportunity to visit a SOLD OUT
exhibition where suppliers will be displaying their products and
services. Register now and play a major role in educating your company
on how to successfully implement a lead free program. For more
information about this event, visit www.ipc.org/LFMalmo
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Please visit IPC web site http://www.ipc.org/contentpage.asp?Pageid=4.3.16 for additional information, or contact Keach Sasamori at [log in to unmask] or 847-615-7100 ext.2815