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November 2005


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TechNet E-Mail Forum <[log in to unmask]>, Wee Mei <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 7 Nov 2005 16:45:01 +0800
text/plain (33 lines)

Looking for answers to the following questions :
1. Beside doing a "doll-house" method to model a 3-D flex design, is there
any CAD software in the market that can do it in a less painful way?
2. What is the highest frequency range a flex material can be used for? or
which flex material currently in the market can achieve 4GHz range?
3. Is there any difference between designing RF & video signal on flex as
compare to rigid?
4. If I have EMI requirement, what would be a better choice?
(a) Shield the critical signals between two ground plane (hatched or full) -
3-layer flex
(b) Critical signals on single flex with two single ground planes - bookbind
(c) Critical signals on one side and other side with silver plating -
two-layer flex
(d) other suggestions?

Hope to hear from everyone of you soonest.

Thansk and regards,
Wee Mei.

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