May 2005


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George Patrick <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
(Designers Council Forum)
Wed, 11 May 2005 12:47:36 -0700
text/plain (50 lines)
Another thought...

Has anyone on the forum ever worked with a standards committee?

Has anyone here been asked to?

I am a little curious about the process used to select the standards
committees, how they are formed, and how they are operated.  It might be
that if the process of writing a standard and the procedures used to select
and solicit membership in a standards committee were better understood by
the designers community, there might be less suspicion about how these
decisions are made and implemented.

I have been an active (ahem) participant on this forum for a couple of
years, as well as a long-time lurker on TechNet.  I can't recall having ever
seen a request for standards committee membership on either of them (please
correct me if I am wrong.)  I have also never seen a request for people to
help with software development in support of standards until the recent
effort by us 'ol hippies.  It seems that if the IPC needs help from
volunteers, ASKING would be a good first step.  Their communications skills
are inadequate in an age of electronic media such this forum.

My personal opinion is that the IPC doesn't understand the dynamics of an
individual membership organization such as the Designers Council.  They
still think that the only support they can use are those provided by member
companies, and they tend to ignore individuals.  And since the Board of
Directors are all corporate members, I don't see it changing any time soon.

Any other ideas are welcome <;^)

George Patrick
Tektronix, Inc.
Central Engineering, PCB Design Group
P.O. Box 500, M/S 39-512
Beaverton, OR 97077-0001
Phone: 503-627-5272         Fax: 503-627-5587

It's my opinion, not Tektronix'

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