October 2004


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DesignerCouncil <[log in to unmask]>
Designers Council Forum <[log in to unmask]>, Roybie Stacks <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 24 Oct 2004 14:56:55 -0500
"(Designers Council Forum)" <[log in to unmask]>, "Kowalewski, Andy" <[log in to unmask]>
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"Kowalewski, Andy" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (119 lines)
I have said it before and I'll say it again for the hard of hearing:

This forum is NOT the place for this type of discussion. I understand
that we may all have very different political views, but this forum
relates to printed circuit boards - their design, fab and assembly. It
is NOT a place to air your particular view of the world unless that
deals specifically with pcb issues.


Andy K.
Chairman, Executive Board, IPC Designers Council

Sychip Inc
Office +61 2 9456 7984

-----Original Message-----
From: DesignerCouncil [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of
Roybie Stacks
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2004 3:38 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [DC] NTC: What's happening in the world?

About 2 weeks ago I read a post here on the Technet forum about the
events on September 11, and although the suggestion that the Government
had been behind this sounded ridiculous at first, I did check the links
that were in the post, and after a while I concluded that everything
that this guy wrote is real. Conspicary yes, theory no. I started
researching some more, viewing some documentaries that I downloaded from
Usenet, and trying to verify the facts presented on many websites, and
it made me very worried.
Secrecy (by controlling the media) is the main weapon used against us,
therefore speaking out and revealing the truth is our best defense. If
that abuses the forum rules, so be it.

Video footage of the first plane hitting the WTC was not available until
days after the attack. That's a proven fact, and we have all seen this
on TV.
Still George Bush told in two TV-shows how he watched the first plane
shitting the World Trade Center while waiting to go into the classroom
where the children read for him and the second plane slammed into the
TWC. You can read transcriptions of these TV-shows on the webpages of
the Whitehouse and verify that this is true.
He could not have seen it on CNN, he didn't see it on NBC....He saw it
on CIA !!!! (that's the only explanation that I can think of).
The following page has more information about the subject and it
includes the links to the Whitehouse-pages that I mentioned:

Bush and Kerry are both members of Skull and Bones, a secret society
with a strange fascination with death, bones, blood and coffins. Only 15
Yale students are tapped to join Skull and Bones each year. With 290
million citizens, in a country where "everyone can become president", we
have a choice of two people who are both from the same group that is
into macabre rituals. Now what kind of choice is that? Better vote for a
3rd party candidate...
Conspiracy theory? No it's mainstream news, see CBS and Reuters:

Besides being a "Bonesman" most of the men ruling the White House,
Congress, judiciary and the big corporations meet each summer in
Bohemian Grove, California, for a couple of weeks. They are called the
Bohemian Club. This is a grouping of about 2500 members, all male, 99%
white, all connected to the very rich. Every Republican president since
Herbert Hoover has been a member, and quite a few Democrats too. George
W. Bush belongs, just like his father George, and his grandfather
Prescott Bush. What they do there has always been a big secret, until TV
and radiohost Alex Jones infiltrated with a hidden camera.
You can watch a part of this video from the Alex Jones website (or take a one month subscription and see the whole
film) and see how these guys wear Ku Klux clan-like costumes and conduct
an occult ritual wherein they worship a giant stone owl, sacrificing a
human being in effigy to what they call the "great owl of bohemia." At
the end of the sacrifice someone chants "let us read the flames". These
guys worship the devil, it's very very scary and it's EVIL.
B.T.W. I didn't find information about Kerry being a member, but I guess
that he is too.

Let's spread the word and beat them. Stop spending your time watching
stupid TV-shows, and start educating yourself on what's really happening
in the world.
Otherwise don't be surprised when within a few weeks from now a nuke
goes off in Washington DC, trying to scare you so that you give up more
of your freedom for so-called "security".
  Roybie Stacks
  [log in to unmask]

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