September 2004


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(Designers Council Forum)
Tue, 21 Sep 2004 16:31:04 -0400
text/plain (38 lines)
Hi All-
I need to know if anyone is getting multi-layer boards with punched
features today. If so, some feedback on the quality. One of our assembly
houses wants to move some high volume boards to a new supplier who has
already tooled up to punch the arrays.

We've used millions and millions of punched CEM1 PCB's and a few million
punched FR4 2 sided. Never had any problems attributed to the punch vs.
routing process.

Need to know if if 4 or 6 layer FR4 is another story or no different than 2
sided FR4.

I'm not talking about plated through features, just the board outline (many
boards in an array).

I asked this before and got a little feedback; at the time there was no
feedback from anyone doing it. It seems some of these low cost chinese
houses do nothing else. Has anyone else run into this?

Thanks in advance,
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