September 2004


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"Brooks,Bill" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
(Designers Council Forum)
Mon, 13 Sep 2004 14:55:34 -0700
text/plain (73 lines)
Do I detect a slight hint of sarcasm Indrek?  :) (BTW, Where is Estonia?)

"Hmmm, no educating those peasants now... wouldn't want to give them any
IDEAS in their little 'mutton heads'..."  says the noble to the castle

Sounds like England during the reign of King George... Didn't our American
ancestors leave there because of the disparity of those who have verses
those to have not... I think even feeding your family by hunting deer in the
local forest was a crime... All things belonged to the King... especially
access to knowledge.

America's best defense is an educated populace, armed with knowledge and the
means to protect its free dissemination to all citizens. Lord help the fool
that invades this ARMED, and EDUCATED country...

(That's why when they reduce access to education, they want to take all your
weapons away... can you imagine an ARMED 'UNEDUCATED' nation? I'm sure it
makes the elite very nervous...)

Of course those that would have power over us would prefer to do it slyly
without our knowledge... its less likely we would know who to retaliate
against when they stole our freedoms...

But that's really not a fundamentally PCB related subject... just one I feel
passionate about as well. I believe that educational materials need to be
made available to the people of this country at very reasonable cost and
ease of access... it's a source of strength to our country and our friends.
And you may notice that Designers Council members get discounts on
educational materials and events through their membership... that's another
good thing...

'Evil reigns when good men do nothing...' - Edmund Burke (1729-1797)

Bill Brooks
PCB Design Engineer , C.I.D., C.I.I.
Tel: (760)597-1500 Ext 3772 Fax: (760)597-1510

-----Original Message-----
From: Indrek Rebane [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2004 3:10 AM
To: (Designers Council Forum); Brooks,Bill
Subject: [OT]Re: [DC] Lead free

Almost as bad idea as giving free (governmentally funded) education to
people. Including higher education. What would they think? Poor people
may get educated! People would not quit study towards their physics
degrees just because they have no money, thou they are better then
anyone else in the area. What a ridiculous idea! What will country do
with it's people when they are not attached to 6 hours of soap operas on
TV every day anymore? Whole punch of psychiatrists would also go bust.
Can't let that happen to our economy.


  Indrek Rebane           |      Borthwick-Pignon
  Electronics Engineer    |    Tartu Science Park
  Phone: (+372) 7 302 641 | Riia 185, 51014 Tartu
  Fax:   (+372) 7 383 041 |               Estonia
  [log in to unmask]        |

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