September 2004


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DesignerCouncil <[log in to unmask]>
Designers Council Forum <[log in to unmask]>, "Brooks,Bill" <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 11 Sep 2004 13:09:33 +0300
"(Designers Council Forum)" <[log in to unmask]>, Indrek Rebane <[log in to unmask]>
Indrek Rebane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
text/plain (90 lines)
Hi Bill,

Brooks,Bill wrote:
> Air pollution does come from cows, and horses and pigs, and chickens,
> and people...

That's why environmental control is applied in those areas. Fermenting
tanks and stuff. Also distributed pig-farming, not 10 000 pigs in one
big hall. Main problem with pig farming is rather acid manure, second
one is continuous methane production. Could talk a lot about it off-list.

> you should have seen the streets of New York around the turn of the
> 19th century... whew...

It is not much better nowadays, replace CH4 with SO2 and situation is
worse, you just don't notice it as fast (due the lack of H2S). Asthma
sucks, I have it.

> Who knows, maybe there's an endangered species that feeds off the
> stuff... like green house plants for example... makes fertilizer...
> that's bio degradable...

There is, not so endangered, thou. Phytoplankton that feeds from stuff
like that has side effect of emitting rather poisonous (but
biodegradable) substances and prohibits many people from going to have a
swim in a sea in some areas, specially on hot summer days, when one
really likes to swim.

> the methane is another problem... we need smoke stack scrubbers for
> the exhaust ports on those animals.. might cause global warming...

Your theory of dilution applies here, a bit.

> I think we could have a more cellular approach to things that would
> make our country less susceptible to terrorism,

I would remain on a statement of the terrorism being a cause, not the
problem. Too many short term investments in past?

> or less likely to suffer lack of infrastructure in a natural disaster
> for example...

I wonder how this could be applied to PCB design process actually, I
have not yet had hands on TeamPCB (Mentor Graphics), but I like the
idea. Also about distributed manufacturing. DfM, design once build
everywhere, vendor independence, unified standards. If there's an
accident in the only PCB house that can make your boards, what will
happen? Applying principles of CE to those manufacturers as well who
will not make/populate your boards next time?

> If each home was making their own electricity, fuel cells or solar
> cells... or maybe some other form of power generation... mini nuclear
> power plants for example... like the ones they put in Submarines...

Quite a lot of areas where wind-power (which could be viewed as a form
of solar power) is rather cheap alternative. Major obstacle: connecting
it back to grid to get rid of excess energy generated. "If I have that
and will not use it myself, why not give it away?" vs. "No cash, no
show" view of the world.

> Heheh... just kidding that would be crazy right? Then no single
> company would control the market...

Almost as bad idea as giving free (governmentally funded) education to
people. Including higher education. What would they think? Poor people
may get educated! People would not quit study towards their physics
degrees just because they have no money, thou they are better then
anyone else in the area. What a ridiculous idea! What will country do
with it's people when they are not attached to 6 hours of soap operas on
TV every day anymore? Whole punch of psychiatrists would also go bust.
Can't let that happen to our economy.


  Indrek Rebane           |      Borthwick-Pignon
  Electronics Engineer    |    Tartu Science Park
  Phone: (+372) 7 302 641 | Riia 185, 51014 Tartu
  Fax:   (+372) 7 383 041 |               Estonia
  [log in to unmask]        |

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