March 2004


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DesignerCouncil <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 16:57:52 -0400
Designers Council Forum <[log in to unmask]>
"(Designers Council Forum)" <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
text/plain (159 lines)
My $0.02:
I think outsourcing is inevitable. Tech jobs are no different than tennis
shoes as far as outsourcing goes. As a spender, you try to get the best
bang for your buck.

If the 'intangibles' (quality, customer satisfaction, etc.) drive the
bottom line down, you won't outsource for long; the job will come back
in-house. But if a beancounter can show that 5% of the customer base will
go away because they aren't happy speaking to a service rep with an accent,
but that overall profits will increase anyway, I'm guessing most companies
will choose to maximize profits. (If the average company is that concerned
with customer satisfaction, how did these automated phone systems ever make
it into virtually every business in America? Press 1 to answer...)

Anyway, I agree that some jobs will come back. But they may go away again
later as the out-source learns how to deal with the issues that lost them
the business. It'll be interesting (like a wreck on the highway is
interesting) to see which jobs ultimately show a better pay-off staying
in-house and which don't.

Some jobs may cycle back and forth forever. Having worked in Big Automotive
for the last 20+ years, you see cycles and fads. Matrix management.
Centralize, De-centralize, Re-centralize. These guys need to be near the
customer - they need to be near the factory - need to be near R&D.... It's
just that now the globe is the gameboard instead of the U.S.

If you want something (your job) to stay in-house, find a way to quantify
the cost of outsourcing-related communication problems, which is what most
tech outsourcing problems boil down to, one way or another. Demonstrate why
outsourcing will actually drive the bottom line down, not up. Be prepared
to make your case repeatedly (every time somebody different comes in
anywhere above you in the food chain). Hope that the inevitable test cases
prove you right.

I do think the best way to survive long-term is to become part of the new
process, which will include more and more outsourcing. Someone has to tell
them what we want and see if we got what we wanted., etc.....

It's all about the money.

-Chris (el CID)

                       <[log in to unmask]>                To:   [log in to unmask]
                       Sent by: DesignerCouncil          cc:
                       <[log in to unmask]>         Subject:    Re: [DC] tech jobs overseas...

                       03/31/2004 12:42 PM
                       Please respond to
                       "(Designers Council
                       Forum)"; Please respond to

Good one Mitch,

I wonder how much Mr. Fleisher has invested in overseas outsourcing
companies... :)

If you listen to all the advertisement on AM radio,(which is hard to avoid
if you like talk radio), you should have refinanced your home at least 3
times this year, and probably have purchased large quantities of male
enhancement drugs and bought gold because it IS going to go up in value...

I think what's behind this is that these guys are trying to influence the
execs to invest in overseas outsourcing... much like AM radio... if you say
it enough people start to believe it... which in itself may also be a sign
that there must be some reason why we should be wary of the 'sales

Bill Brooks
PCB Design Engineer , C.I.D., C.I.I.
Tel: (760)597-1500 Ext 3772 Fax: (760)597-1510

-----Original Message-----
From: Mitch S. Morey [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:09 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [DC] tech jobs overseas... [mx]

> Interesting article on tech jobs being sent overseas...

> Looks like, after wading through the editorial 'spin'...

Back at ya.  :)


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