February 2004


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Werner Engelmaier <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
(Leadfree Electronics Assembly Forum)
Wed, 18 Feb 2004 09:22:09 EST
text/plain (30 lines)
Hi James,
Well, if we count Brian's experience input we are talking about 50 years. In
actual reliability activity we are talking about a span of 20 years [early
work by Wild and Solomon in the 70's and lots of OEM activity in the 80's].
However, because so many other things were changing at the same time, all these 20
years cannot be counted towards the development of understanding SJ
reliability. My estimate is that a concentrated, concerted effort that includes the
combined resources of our industry can do what is needed in 2 years.  However,
what are the chances of this happening.....?
For Pb-bearing solders, the initial reliability work was for eutectic and
near-eutectic Sn/Pb; solders with Ag additions were later found not to behave
significantly different.

Werner Engelmaier
Engelmaier Associates, L.C.
Electronic Packaging, Interconnection and Reliability Consulting
7 Jasmine Run
Ormond Beach, FL  32174  USA
Phone: 386-437-8747, Fax: 386-437-8737
E-mail: [log in to unmask], Website: www.engelmaier.com

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