February 2004


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Dennis Fritz <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
D-37 Sub-Committee Forum <[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask]
Wed, 11 Feb 2004 15:11:22 EST
text/plain (180 lines)
One of our action items for the Embedded Passive Users Group was to inform
you how to subscribe/unsubscribe from the forum.  The following is copied from
the IPC Web Page on "E-mail forums".  Please send this to others who you think
should be aware of our call-ins (like tomorrow at 2 PM Eastern), or be able to
view our web page for postings.

Subscription should be address to: [log in to unmask]
Our group message should be "subscribe EmbeddedNet Joseph H. Smith" where the
underlined is your name.

Please note there may be many more directive actions for the IPC Forums -
going on vacation, searching our message archives, etc.  I am not sure they all
work for EmbeddedNet, but here you have the capabilities for such forums as IPC
TechNet - about 1000 subscribers worldwide.

Thanks - Denny Fritz, MacDermid


Sign-up and Administering your subscription status:

All commands (such as subscribe and signoff) must be sent to [log in to unmask]
. You must never try to send any command to mail forum address (i.e. <forum
name>@ipc.org), as it will be distributed to all the subscribers.

Also, please note that no other text, such as electronic signature, etc.,
should be present in the messages to [log in to unmask] If your email program
automatically appends your signature to the message, please remove it.

Example for subscribing:
TO: [log in to unmask]
MESSAGE: subscribe TechNet Joseph H. Smith

Example for signing off:
TO: [log in to unmask]
MESSAGE: signoff DesignerCouncil

NOTE: You must send messages to the forum address ONLY from the e-mail
address to which you want to apply changes. In other words, if you want to sign off
the mail list, you must send the SIGNOFF command from the address that you
want removed from the forum.

Additional Commands that I don't know for sure for EmbeddedNet:

SET <forum name> <option>
Command enables/disables a specified option.

TO: [log in to unmask]
MESSAGE: SET TechNet nomail

Please note that the commands, addresses and forum names are not case
sensitive, and you can send as many commands as you need in one message as long as
they are on separate lines.

The available options are as follows:
Options: Query This command returns your subscriber options. To be executed
correctly, the message must be sent from the address about which you are making
a query. The syntax is:
QUERY <forum name>

Also, wildcards are supported. For example, sending a command
will return a list of all forums to which you are subscribed, with all
subscriber options for these forums.

  Mail/Nomail  Setting the NOMail option stops mail from the forum to you,
but leaves you subscribed to the list. NOMail is often used by subscribers who
are leaving the office for vacation or an extended business trip, and do not
want a full mailbox when they return.
Setting the Mail option is the complementary command that restarts mail
delivery from the forum to you. It does not alter the Digest/Index normal delivery
settings (see below).

For example, to temporarily disable mail delivery from TechNet to your
address, send the following command:


Please note, if you use an auto-responder while on vacation without setting
your subscription options to NOMail, your "vacation" messages may bounce back
to the mail list and you may be "served off" from the forum when you return.
This is because the server will be unable to process the message from your
auto-responder and will consider it an error. Being "served off" simply means that
any commands you send to mail list will be ignored until the forum
administrator restores your normal status.


  Digest/Nodigest  Setting the Digest option causes the subscriber to receive
one e-mail posting per digest cycle (typically daily) rather than individual
messages as they are processed by the mail list. Digest negates Index delivery
mode, enables mail delivery.
Setting the NODigest option causes individual messages to be sent to the

For example, to start receiving the TechNet messages in digest form, send a
following command:



  Index/Noindex  Setting the Index option causes the subscriber to receive
one posting per digest cycle, containing only an index of subject topics for all
messages during that cycle. Instructions on how to retrieve the individual
postings are included with the index. Index negates Digest delivery mode and
enables mail delivery.
Setting the NOIndex option causes individual messages to be sent to the

For example, to start receiving TechNet messages in index form, send the
following command:



  Search  This command allows you to search a database of all previous
postings to the specified forum. The syntax is:
SEARCH <search string> IN <forum name>

For example, to search TechNet for gold plating, send the following command:

SEARCH gold plating IN TechNet

Adding SINCE <date> after the forum name will impose the time constraints on
your search, i.e., command
SEARCH gold plating IN TechNet SINCE 97/01/01
will search all postings since January 1'st 1997.


  ACK/NOACK  When you send a message, the server responds with a confirmation
message, saying that "your message was delivered to the forum, etc.", but, by
default, the copy of your message is NOT sent to you. In other words, when
you send a message to the forum, you do not receive it back as a posting.
However, you can change this default for yourself by setting following options:

ACK - A short confirmation message is sent to the sender of the posting
NOACK - No posting acknowledgment is sent

  Repro/NORepro   REPRO - You receive a copy of your own postings
NOREPRO - You do not receive a copy of your own postings
For example, to receive both confirmation of the posting and the posting
itself for your TechNet submission, send a command:

To receive only your posting but not the posting acknowledgment:


  THANKS  You can send this command to see if the server is alive, and the
messages to and from the server are delivered normally. The server politely
responds, "You're welcome!".