October 2003


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DesignerCouncil <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 29 Oct 2003 12:50:26 +0800
Designers Council Forum <[log in to unmask]>
"(Designers Council Forum)" <[log in to unmask]>, Wee Mei <[log in to unmask]>
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Even though I caught the news update of the fire on our TV in Singapore,
the impact is just as if it is happening locally. The firemen struggling
their might against that towering inferno and the houses being burnt
down flat is very heartbreaking.

How I prayed that a thunderstorm can appear out of nowhere and drown the
fire. I earnestly prayed no further death will be reported.

Wee Mei

Brooks,Bill wrote:

>I have been having inquiries into our well being and safety here in San
>Diego and I figured this was the best way to get the word out. Thanks for
>asking about us, so far, everyone is okay that I know of. Some are having a
>hard time, and have evacuated their homes to shelters or with friends but
>are alive and well.
>Just to give you a bit of the flavor of what's going on, my office smells of
>smoke, the sky outside looks like it's covered in red brown fog, you can't
>see too far down the road through the haze... It's a little difficult
>breathing you feel like sneezing or coughing often. The office has just
>passed out breathing masks to us so we can get a little relief from the
>smoke. (It's not real, real, bad, I am not wearing mine at the moment).
>Everything, the cars, the lot, the buildings the patio furniture is covered
>in a thin layer of ash. I was north about 60 miles from here in Santa Ana in
>Orange County on Sunday and it was similar there. So this has been going on
>for days.
>We are safe at the moment, a lot of land and homes are between us and the
>closest fires. My friend who lives farther east where the fires were intense
>wrote to tell me of her experience. I attached her note below.
>It's a little scary, and very tragic for the families that have lost homes,
>possessions, and even loved ones. Many businesses have closed down, the
>schools are shut down all over the county, all the TV and radio talks about
>is the fires. There are less people here at work because they are home
>dealing with their own issues, some of them live out in the areas affected
>by the fires. One of my co-workers in the Sales dept. had the flames come
>all the way up to his home but his home was spared.
>We are still trying to work amid the anxiety, and keep things going.
>Everyone talks about it. Some areas are without power and the local power
>companies are trying to get it restored as soon as possible. Some estimate
>that the harder to reach areas may be without power for a couple weeks.
>We are located in Vista, about 8 miles from the ocean in North San Diego
>County and most of the fire is more that 15 miles inland east and
>surrounding Escondido, Valley Center, and north near Fallbrook. Of course
>the fires spread all the way to the Border, and way north as far as Simi
>Valley. Our CEO lives up there and has given us a detailed report on what's
>going on up there... We are keeping an eye on it as I know you are.
>Thanks for asking and we will keep you updated as things progress. Our
>prayers are with those fighting the fires and those having to deal with
>their losses.
>Best Regards,
>Bill Brooks
>PCB Design Engineer , C.I.D., C.I.I.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2003 8:32 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: fires?
>Wohlford is pretty well gone.
>Valley Center's east end where I am is toast down Hellhole Canyon, through
>parts of Rincon and was headed up Rodgriques Mtn. and Pine Mtn. over the
>last 24hrs. I evacuated yesterday about 1300 and am writing you from Warner
>Springs. My friends at the SkySailing Gliderport helped me and I'm staying
>at one of the flight instructors homes 5 miles to the west on Hwy. 79.
>Last night without power and water, we barbequed with scraps of oak branches
>and had something to eat as I'd grabbed a couple of Costco bags of frozen
>hamburgers and some potatoes. No gas stations or stores open because of lack
>of power. We're ok. Invited the neighbor over to eat, too.
>As I was leaving La Jolla Indian Res. was told to evacuate and leave
>everything because they're simply weren't enough resources to fight the
>fire-they were just going to get everyone out and let it burn through. I
>don't know the situation this morning. We just got power and our well pumps
>here are now running. The phone lines have been dead but I've been
>successful in accessing the net through a new number finally.
>Thank you for your kind thoughts.
>I'm planning on staying a couple of days here before heading home so perhaps
>it'll all be over with and the smoke clearing.
>I'm headed down to Temecula for food and water bottles today regardless as
>who knows how long this'll last.
>Fortunately I had a little solar radio with a dyno winder so I could hear
>what was going on.
>I don't think it's all over yet but then I'm just now trying to get some
>information. We have no TV reception over here and no cable, only satellite.
>Thanks for staying in touch, Bill.
>After eating at 8pm last night for the first time in 48 hrs and John filled
>me with his Coronas, I felt like crying----relief, destress, adrenaline let
>down. I finally slept a couple of hours last night.
>Our other San Diego neighbors may not be faring as well.
>We'll need to all pull together and help each other.
>But then, we're familiar with that aren't we?
>My sore throat is clearing this morning with the blue skies, fresh air and
>Almost everything I own is covered in a thin layer of ashes and dust.
>Stay in touch.
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Please visit IPC web site for additional information, or contact Keach Sasamori at [log in to unmask] or 847-509-9700 ext.5315