September 2003


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MA/NY DDave <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
(Leadfree Electronics Assembly Forum)
Fri, 5 Sep 2003 09:29:42 -0500
text/plain (89 lines)
Hi Reuven, and IPC LF Listservers,

Reuven, Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.

Yes I have read the same paragraph in the Annex of this Directive
commonly called RoHS and see that for certain products or industries;
as well as, for other situations exemptions exist or SEEM to exist.

The reason I say "SEEM" is first that the network management and
telecommunications industries; as well as, the rest of those listed
in the 3rd line of Item #6 in the Annex tend to use common parts
and manufacturers that serve the consumer, wireless phone or other
industries. This is particularly true when a new high speed or high
memory, power, performance device or sub assembly comes out to
serve the consumer industries.

This is why last month under the subject tread Telecommunications
I was asking what are the major Telecommunications and Network
companies going to do. My guess is that they will sit fat dumb
and dumber for a spell till too late. In addition due to the USA
and World Wide crash in the Telecommunications equipment, supplies,
short and long haul manufacturing market they may not have a big
presence or even interest until next year or later. They are still
cutting and managing bottom lines.

The second reason I say "SEEM" is because of Item #10 under the
Annex. It basically says you have an exemption YET we have as
a priority the removal of your exemption. At least that is my

Organizationally these are tough documents, at least for me, to
read since they keep on changing and then changing again and I
have to go back and forth across sections and documents. I have
also found I have to even get some other referenced documents.

Now for a partial answer to your question at my present state
of learning. It will be better tomorrow, I hope.

For Lead Free, Direct Consumer related products and industries
that can go Lead Free seem to be the first target group. Steel
you will note is also listed as well as some others. For Direct
Consumer, I mean products where the consumer or a company that
looks like a consumer has control over buying, and disposal is
done like a consumer.

So any material, or process, or component, or sub-assembly
company that serves these products or industries will be going
Lead Free. AND anyone who uses these basic industries has to
also figure out their plans.

Beyond this exists competition for the Good-Will of the public
and the bureaucrats (the Germans have a Nifty Long Long name
for bureaucrats). Companies for example the Japaneese companies
that may display an "I'm Green" label MAY/WILL win market share
even in other industries not yet under these Directives.

Hope this note makes sense.

YiEngr, MA/NY DDave

<---- Note for Reuven snipped a bit ---->
<Tue, 2 Sep 2003, Reuven ROKAH <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Thanks YiEngr, MA/NY DDave,
>I have read the EU document of 27 January 2003 (2000/0159(cod)), directive
>2005/95/EC Regarding the use of hazardous substances and as I understood
>(correct me if I am wrong) that  the Lead in the solder material is
>"exempted from the requirement of article 4 (1)- July 2006 " Parg 7 says:
>Lead in solders for network infrastructure equipment for switching,
>signaling, transmission as well network management for
>So can anyone explain what is the restrictions / limitations regarding
>LF on July 2006????????????????
>Best  Regards, Reuven

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