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January 2003


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Lum Wee Mei <[log in to unmask]>
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TechNet E-Mail Forum.
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 08:27:03 +0800
text/plain (34 lines)

There is an intention for my group to go into rigid-flex and I have the
following questions that I hope some of the kind soul can help :

1. When is rigid-flex most cost-effective to be used?
2. How much increase in cost compare to rigid?
3. Who are the low production (prototyping) vendors that can support
rigid-flex at a reasonable price?
4. What is the possible design and fabrication process problems that
will encounter?
5. Is there a software that can accommodate both rigid and rigid-flex
layout design? My company used Mentor Graphics.

I am aware of the IPC standards for flex and rigid-flex and books but I
would appreciate sharing of opinions and feedbacks on design and process
problems encounters.

Hope to hear from you soonest.

Wee Mei

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