August 2001


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Werner Engelmaier <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
(Leadfree Electronics Assembly Forum)
Thu, 9 Aug 2001 22:02:21 EDT
text/plain (31 lines)
Hi Lee,
In a message dated 08/09/2001 14:53:17, [log in to unmask] writes:
>Werner Engelmaier,
>I'm not familiar with the work of Roger Wild concerning SnPb Solders.
>What did he do? Are there any technical publications available?
>I'm curious. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
>Lee Whiteman

Roger Wild's now classical work characterized the temperature- and
time-dependency of the creep-fatigue of Sn/Pb solders. The characterization
was enough to allow the development of the Engelmaier-Wild solder
creep-fatigue model that is widely used in the  industry, which enables one
to relate the results of proper accelerated testing (as per IPC-SM-785) to
product reliability (IPC-D-279).
You can his work at: R. N. Wild, "1974 IRAD Study - Fatigue Properties of
Solder Joints," IBM Report No. M45-74-002, Contract No. IBM 4A69, 5 January
1975, among others.

Werner Engelmaier

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