In a message dated 3/12/2001 12:53:22 PM Central Standard Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:
<< Nope, but we would be interested in what you find!
Bev Christian
Research in Motion >>
Hey Bev!
What I found today was interesting. Most of the problems from cigarette smoke
come from all the cooling fans that are in a PC. You have chassis cooling
fans, power supply cooling fans, and CPU cooling fans, all drawing ambient
air from the ouside to cool things inside...
All these fans exacerbate contaminates being introduced. Fixed drives (hard
drives), nowadays are hermetically sealed because it was learned that a smoke
particle is larger than the "flying height" of the read/write head on a hard
drive, smoke particles are larger than the flying height, and could cause a
drive to crash...but external drives (CDROM and floppy drives) aren't
hermetically sealed, so it depends on how much the optics have been degraded
on a CDROM drive are, or how tight the flying height of a floppy drive
read/write head is, will determine whether or not your computer chokes.
But the cooling is another issue. It has been well documented from many sites
that I found, that the tar and nicotine coats everything inside a computer
with a sticky substance that can be very difficult to clean.
The problems that this causes is that it retains the dust and everything else
being sucked-in to accumulate inside, and winds-up building a layer of
material that defeats the kind of cooling that is needed for your 'pooter to
operate at it's maximum...also shortens the life of the components. CPU
cooling fans have a markedly shortened life because they become out of
balance due to the dust accumulation on the blades, thus wearing the bearings
out, and shortening the CPU life because of it operating at higher
This isn't even considering an environment where there maybe very ionic
contaminates sucked-in to the chassis and deposited all over the
boards...then you have all the issues of dendrites, etc. to contend with...
Cigarette smoke is like a "fly-paper" for contamination and many other
issues, from what I learned today...
Damn! I guess I have to smoke the prime Cuban Havanas outside when I'm
(just kidding, I can't stand cigars, Cuban Havanas are illegal
-Steve Gregory-
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