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April 2000


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"Goldman, Patricia J." <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 Apr 2000 10:42:43 -0400
text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
"TechNet E-Mail Forum." <[log in to unmask]>, "Goldman, Patricia J." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (234 lines)
I agree with Susan and would add a few more points:

1.  Here where I am, e-mail is much more easily (and continuously) received
than going to a website and going online.  It is also much easier to reply
to - I can start a message, work on it during the day, and finish it up
2.  If someone doesn't like all the e-mail s/he can always opt for the
digest service.  This will cut the flow to just a few e-mails a day.  One
can still reply, though it's not quite as easy to reply directly.  Of course
a person reading the digest, can still access the archives  and reply to the
message directly (I think).
3.  Having both e-mail and I-net access readily available on my computer, I
can say the more direct of these two is e-mail.
4.  IPC's website has gotten just incredibly complicated - it sure doesn't
need any more clutter!
5.  In short, I do not see any advantage to an on-line forum, and the
increased hassle to access would probably make me one of those that would no
longer participate.

BUT... I must point out that ,on reading down through Jeff's proposal, he
does NOT recommend eliminating the e-mail forum, rather ADDING the on-line
forum to it -- apparently so that the messages we get by e-mail also
(magically) appear on-line at the website and can be replied to from either
point.  I don't really see a problem with that, esp. if log-in security
measures are used.  (Except for my point #4 above.)

Patricia J. Goldman
PPG Industries, Inc.
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Susan James [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2000 10:15 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: [TN] ADMIN Re: [TN] Please let me post my
opinions/questions/answers without anyinterruption

First off, after reading Jeff Ferry's post, it is my most earnest hope that
IPC does nothing to disrupt the flow of information on this forum.  I have
contributed very little personally, but the knowledge I've gained from just
lurking has been invaluable.  I am involved in many different areas from
design to manufacture and can use all the help I can get.  PLEASE, IPC, DO
NOT CHANGE THIS FORUM.  If you do, I'll loose access because my company is
very particular about their employees' internet activities.  If I start
getting spammed or receive inappropriate materials, it would definitely cut
me off from this valuable source.  I realize I'm just one person, but there
are probably more out there that would loose access as well.  Additionally,
besides being a wealth of knowledge, this forum is almost totally free of
commercialism.  I have nothing against selling, but you need to have the
freedom this forum affords.  Everyone seems to respect the rules and I've
never received spam as a result of being a TechNet member.  This is a very
successful forum.  For those of you that have trouble keeping up with the
emails, why not change your setting to digest form?  That's what I do and
have no trouble at all managing it.  Try it for a while and you might find
it's a better way to go for you.

Secondly -- Minsu Lee, I don't mean to offend you, but please chill.  Not
everything in life is the result of one's ethnicity and neither your
academic credentials nor your title guarantee respect.  I'm sure Keach
Sasamori will do everything he can to assist you.

---Jeff Ferry <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
This discussion prompts me to reveal proposals I've
recently offered to IPC President Denny McGuirk, and
John Riley, V.P. of Professional Development. That
being that the wealth of information in this forum is
truly deserving more wide spread distribution.

I proposed that this forum be offered via e-mail as it
is now, and also offered directly online.  The same
login security features could be implemented in both
cases to avoid SPAM and other unauthorized
submissions.  Online access would open the forum to
anyone who finds it difficult to keep up with the
sometimes overwhelming flow of questions and answers
now distributed only via e-mail. (I use an alternate
Yahoo e-mail address just for TechNet to keep my main
e-mail open.)  While some TechNetters would likely
drop themselves from the e-mail list, I believe that
postings directly from online subscribers would more
than even out the activity keeping this forum vibrant.

I further offered to completely underwrite the cost to
offer this forum online if offered the opportunity to
also distribute the forum through our web site.  In
deed, why not let any industry supportive business
distribute this forum through their web site.  We
consider the content in this forum to be so valuable
that we are building our own searchable database that
points to archived pages at the IPC web site.  See
<> .

I look forward to your comments.

Jeff Ferry
President - Circuitnet
[log in to unmask]
Chairman - IPC Repairability Committee

--- Jack Crawford <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Minsu, I'm not sure if your frustration is directed
> at IPC or at your internal IS support.
> Yes, you have to be a subscriber to the TechNet to
> be able to post questions. Any other attempted
> postings get replies that they aren't permitted to
> post. It didn't used to be this way; previously
> anybody in the world could post whether they were
> members or not. Your colleague that can post without
> intervention is most certainly a subscriber.
> We had to implement this policy because the technet
> address got published on a bunch of commercial
> advertising e-mail lists, and TechNet started to get
> bombed with SPAM, porno, and other messages
> inappropriate to a technical forum.  We didn't want
> to go to a moderated forum whereby someone has to
> read and approve each posting; that's too much like
> censorship.
> By only permitting postings from subscribers, we can
> more easily identify and block the spammers.  If the
> normal subscription where you receive each posting
> separately generates too much e-mail traffic for
> you, there is are digest options which provide
> single msgs periodically based on accumulated lines
> of text, or an index option, where you receive
> periodic msgs with only the subject lines and you
> can then access the archives for those things of
> specific interest to you.
> If you have any further questions or suggestions
> please contact either Keach or myself off-net.
> Thanks!  Jack

> >>>  $(CÀ̹μö Â÷Àå ÀüÀÚ ¿*± ¼Ò¿*± 2ÆÀ
> <[log in to unmask]> 04/26/00 07:33PM >>>
> Everytime I post my message, I have to go through
> some people.
> And I do not know why I need his help, editing,
> supervising or whatever.
> It really made me mad, let alone it takes much
> longer to see my posting.
> Even my colleague here can post freely without
> permission.
>  I suppose Tech Forum is for subscribers regardless
> of his/her race,
> nationality,
> bra bra bra...
> Please let me post my opinions/questions/knowledge
> without any interruption..
> Your help, thanks but no thanks. I can take care of
> myself.
> BTW, my company is IPC member and I graduated from
> UGA in Athens, GA.
>  Minsu Lee
>  Manager
>  Doosan Electro-Materials Co.

---Keach Sasamori <[log in to unmask]> wrote

I checked your subscription options on the list, and  you are set up the
same as the 7 other people from your company. I
did notice little thing that might make a difference. Your name is
registered with English characters as Minsu Lee on the
Listserv, but your name on the e-mail which was sent was unreadable. Are you
using some Korean characters or a plug-in
which converts your name to Korean characters? That might explain why you
are having trouble, the Listserv computer may
not recognize you when you try to post.

Can you send me the specific error messages that you get when you try to
post? I can try to figure it out, but I need
some more details.

Keach Sasamori
IS Administrator
2215 Sanders Rd.
Northbrook, IL 60062-6135
Ph: (847) 790-5315
Fax: (847) 509-9798
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
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