September 2011


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Kim Sterling <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Kim Sterling <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 13 Sep 2011 15:08:12 -0500
text/plain (29 lines)
Spherical Bend Test Method for Characterization of Board Level Interconnects
This standard on spherical transient bend testing is intended to characterize the maximum allowable strain that a surface mount component's board level interconnects can withstand in flexural loading. Whereas four-point monotonic bend test methods only address simple planar bending, spherical bend tests establish strain limits of board level interconnects under worst-case flexure conditions that can occur during conventional printed board/system assembly, manufacturing and test operations. This method is applicable to surface mounted BGA components larger than 15.0 mm on a side with organically based substrates, attached to printed boards using conventional solder reflow technologies. This document was developed cooperatively with JEDEC. 15 pages. Released 2011.

IPC Member Price $36.00
Nonmember Price $72.00

IPC members may request a free single user download of a document with digital rights management of each new standard by e-mailing [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> within 90 days. The file is enabled to print one copy of the standard. Please note that you will receive the file from an e-mail from IHS.com. The file must be opened within 2 business days and will LOCK to the computer of the person who OPENS the file.

Kimberly Sterling, CAE
Vice President, Marketing and Communications
IPC - Association Connecting Electronics Industries
3000 Lakeside Drive
Suite 309 S
Bannockburn, IL 60015-1249 USA
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