September 2007


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"Brooks,Bill" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
(Designers Council Forum)
Wed, 26 Sep 2007 16:20:35 -0700
text/plain (37 lines)
OLE_LINK1I have been talking with another designer I know and the topic
was..."What type of issues do you encounter in your day to day job that seem
to 'get in the way' and prevent your getting your work done correctly or  at
least with a minimum amount of undue effort? "
Personally my issues have been mostly with accurate communications...
getting good information properly transferred to me with all the necessary
details to build a part or schematic symbol, or a mechanical constraint or
part...  details...details...  the 'devil' always lives in the details...
:-) Seems I am always having to ask about something... what about this
feature? How much current does this part draw? How much heat needs to be
dissipated? Are there optional ways this can me solved... etc.. etc.. 
What are your 'pet peeves' or frustrating issues with getting your designs
done right? 
What gets in your way? 
What would make your work easier? 
What would you like to add or eliminate from the process? 
What needs adjusting? 
What would fix the problems?
I'm curious to hear other's opinions and thoughts... 
Best regards, 
Bill Brooks, CID+

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